The Effect of COVID-19 On the Pool Industry Pt: 2

A picture of a beautiful pool with the words, "effect of COVID-19 on the pool industry pt: 2"

What to Expect In the Future and Alternatives in Pool Care Last month, Liquidus Pool Services looked into the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the pool industry. We explored how COVID-19 has caused prices to rise throughout the pool industry due to: Many individuals are concerned with how the pool industry is going to […]

The Effect of COVID-19 On the Pool Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic, which began to sweep the globe in late 2019, has drastically altered many industries. Restaurants were short-staffed and closed their doors early.  The housing market boomed as more people started working remotely and moving to new locations. The price of lumber skyrocketed, making new construction of homes more and more expensive. Shortages […]

COVID-19 Update

Our wishes go out to all the families across DFW and the nation in this time of crisis.  Liquidus Pool Services is open for business. Safety is our top priority – for our employees, our customers, and the overall health and safety of our industry. According to, COVID-19 cannot live in properly maintained pool […]